Having a good mix of vocabulary is good for your class discussions, reading, learning and making connections. It also makes you a good writer and this will come in handy where essays and term papers are concerned. This article teaches you simple tricks and tips to expand your vocabulary.
1. Read
There is no better way to grasp vocabulary than through reading. According to experts, you must read to grasp vocabulary. And this doesn’t mean you confine yourself to textbooks alone. Go beyond textbooks into journals, magazines and so forth. When you read, remember to jot the new and strange ones. This will not only enable you get new ones, but it will also enable you remember their definitions.
2. Learn word roots
3. Follow “one word a day” principle.
Learning vocabulary requires consistency. You need to make sure you learn new vocabulary daily. If you make it a point to learn a new word daily, in a week-that’s 7 words. in the long run, you will be able to use these new words easily in whatever you do. This will directly enrich and expand your vocabulary pool.
4. Discover new ways of finding word meaning
Words mean exactly as their context. When you want to learn what words mean, see how they are used in context. Knowing the meaning of new words depending on the context is a great way to build upon your vocabulary. In college, most of the words you will encounter will be used in context. If you self-evaluate words, getting meaning and understanding is promoted.
5. Use what you’ve learned
When you study and discover new words, you need to practice using them. You should use the new words both in context and in speech. This will not only help you understand them, but also promote the commitment to memory. At the end of the day, learning can only happen when you use the words you learn.
6. Find passion for words
Leaning vocabulary and mastery requires commitment. You need to use the words effectively. Learn the histories around words. Also have a high caliber word association. Just dedicate enough time to learning new words and inventing others. This journey is long, but worthwhile for your college and social life.
7. Make your vocabulary sensible
Start by learning the words that may express what’s most vital for you. As an example, learn a lot of your trade language – the words that are ordinarily used in your business or hobby or vocation. Go beyond the jargon and clichés, pay attention to better, fresher, clearer words to precise what your peers are talking about.
Keep a wordbook within range, therefore you’ll use it each time you come upon an unfamiliar word while reading a book or magazine, watching TV show or listening to a broadcast. If you read an electronic book, web articles or newsletters, it’s extremely convenient to consult an online dictionary or a special software. Try to bear in mind not solely definitions of the words, but their origin as well: it would be helpful once you come upon a word with an equivalent root.
There are numerous on-line word games that may create the process of improving vocabulary a lot fascinating and motivating. Usually they take about 5 minutes to play, so you can simply afford spending this time even at your working place.
Make sure to take part in conversations, even though you’re an extremely introverted person. Using the words you’ve learned, you’ll always remember what they mean, and they will certainly become a part of your active vocabulary. Besides, you may have an opportunity to pick up new words from people you speak to – everyone is potentially interesting wherever the cultural influences, professional spheres and personal preferences are involved.
And last however not least, expanding vocabulary isn’t a matter of 1 week, but a life time process, and it’s within your power to make it fascinating and productive.